Get a good understanding of the history of payments and the development of payment methods from coins to credit cards to mobile payments. Part 1 examines the individual elements of a payment transaction and the players involved in making that transaction happen. It also discusses the relevant legal frameworks, industry standards, compliance rules and risk aspects when dealing with payments.
The second part applies this information to the Airline Industry. It provides an analysis of the various distribution channels such as travel agents (BSP/ARC flow), call centres, ticket desks, e-commerce and mobile, on-board retail, mobile agents as well as payments at kiosks. It further discusses the payment back-office processes.
Part three provides a blue print for implementation of a payment project, offering step-by-step guidance through the set-up of such a project. It gives an outline implementation plan and explains its execution. It also offers a list of criteria to facilitate the selection of suppliers (e.g. PSPs, acquirers, fraud solution or Payment Orchestration Provider (POP)), including an industry directory.​


Thomas began his career in airline payments in 1999 in Dublin when he joined CardBASE Technologies and supported the development of a smart-card based passenger compensation system for British Airways. On returning to his home country, Austria, he moved to the card issuing business. As a product manager with Europay Austria he was in charge of Europe’s most successful electronic purse “Quick” and led the introduction of Mastercard prepaid cards to the Austrian and German market.
In 2009 his passion for the airline industry brought him to London where he joined SITA as a senior product manager for payment services and passenger mobile applications. Among his responsibilities were the provision of some of the world’s first mobile booking and check-in apps as well as the development of a central payment platform for the air transport industry. After spending time at Mastercard/DataCash, where he was Head of Airline Strategy and Innovation, Thomas joined Worldpay. As Vice President Airlines & Travel he now heads up a portfolio of over 90 carriers from around the globe.
Thomas studied at the University of Hong Kong and the University of Innsbruck, where he gained a Master’s Degree in International Economics and Business Studies. He holds Yachtmaster certification and is a passionate photographer.